Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday evening tempo

Today, was a non-lifting day with a planned tempo run in the evening through Mastersonstation Park. I ran with a friend of mine who to my dismay was on 2 days of rest so he had some very fresh legs. This route has a portion in the middle of about 2.5 miles worth of steady climbing with a few plateaus. Anyway, this was a solid tempo run as we finished the 7 mile loop in 46 minutes. That's roughly a 635ish pace which is a very quick tempo. I was struggling at the end with some tired legs from my hilly 7 miler the day before. Not that I'm making excuses, but my legs were heavy.

The weather was beautiful with temps in the mid to low 60s which is perfect running weather. I'm dreading the cold weather just around the corner.

5:30am group run in the morning. Doubt I'll be running too fast with this effort tonight.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday.... oh I hate these type of days

Now, I must say most of the time my job isn't so bad. I get to work from home, have a somewhat flexible schedule, and find my work interesting most of the time. However, spending time on endless conference calls does bother me. Some weeks I get lucky. However, this week is not one of those. I'm stuck reviewing statements of work with customers for about 17 hours this week via conference calls. This means pretty much I'm tied to my office phone all day everyday for the week because the 17 hours will turn into 25+ hours after prep meetings, followup calls, etc.

Today, I made it the group run for a 7 miler. I felt a bit off today. Luckily, the faster group was either tapering or recovering from a race. We put in about a 650ish pace for the 7 mile. My legs were stiff the entire run. The 7 mile route is very hilly so it wasn't that bad.

Hit the gym for back day....


Superset - Hammer strength low isolated rows - overhand grip & underhand grip - 4x12 each
Superset - High rows - 4x15, Reverse flys - 4x12
Wide grip pullups - 4x12
Side to sidebar pivots - 4x15
Barbell bent over rows - 4x12
Close Grip pullups - 4x12


Pass an exercise ball from feet to hands - 4x12
Leg raises - 4x12

Monday, September 28, 2009

New week....

No running today after 20 miles over the weekend. Full week of running ahead with a taper week next week before the relay.


Barbell flat bench press - 5x12
Dumbbell one armed incline bench press - 4x12
Barbell decline bench press - 4x12
Superset - Dumbbell flys - 4x12, Low cable flys - 4x15
Hammer Strength incline press - 4x12
Superset - Medicine ball one handed pushups - 4x15, Medicine ball tricep pushups - 4x12
Weighted Box Pushups - 4x12


Superset - Hanging leg raises - 4x15, Hanging Kneeups - 4x15
Side plank on a medicine ball - 4x75secs

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dry run......

Today, was a recovery run from the long run yesterday. The weather was beautiful and very welcome after the rainy weather over the past few days. I set out on my normal 8 mile loop around my neighborhood. I tried to set my pace at around a 730ish pace, but I think I was a bit slower than this.

My lower right leg injury seems to be flaring up a bit so I'm planning on taking it easier over the next couple of weeks.

Full day of football ahead and rest before I busy week.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Monsoon run....

Got up this morning to a pouring rain. Not a good start to my weekend or a long run for that matter. Met the group at Magee's Bakery. Surprisingly, 2 more people did show-up. Truly, I thought that no one would show.

I must say I showed how hardcore I was today running an average pace of 720 or so for the 12 miles in the rain. My feet remained mostly dry until mile 5 when I hit a very large puddle. Oh well, this is why they make these run dry socks right? This is one of those runs where you run with pride because you know everyone is looking at you like you're insane, and they might be correct to a degree.

It was a good run with some company which is always good. At about mile 3 my legs loosened up and I warmed up nicely so the rain wasn't an issue. During the last 2 miles I must say I did feel the extra weight the rain added to my body. It felt like I had some small weight in my shoes. All good training and no blisters to boot.

44 miles for the week. A little short of the 45-50 goal, but still dealing with a sore foot from an injury 4 weeks ago.

Gearing up for the UK vs FLA game. just hope we don't get killed.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Long week

It has been a long week. Lots of activity with work, so I'm just happy the weekend is here. Gearing up for a wet long run tomorrow.

I hit the gym for some arms and shoulder work.


Weighted Chinups - 4x12
Weighted Dips - 4x15
Triangle pushups - 4x20
Isolated decline curls - 4x12
Superset - Dumbbell tricep extensions - 4x12, Dumbell hammer curls - 4x12


Barbell Shrugs - 4x15 for a 3 count
Superset - Dumbbell side raises - 4x12, Dumbbell shoulder press - 4x12
Plate around the head - 4x24


Weighted kneeups - 4x15
Side plank on a medicine ball - 4x75secs

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Short Intervals

This morning I met up with the group at John's at 5:30am for the Thursday 6.3 mile course. Today, the order of the day was 6 x 2 minute intervals since one of the group was gearing up for a half-ironman(Triathlons are something I'll never be able to do because I can't swim very well.) this weekend. Pretty much the consensus with some of the more serious runners that I run is that doing some short race paced intervals a few days before the race is good for reminding one's body of what race pace is like. This also will not beatup someone to the point where it affect their race day performance. I ended up with an overall time of 41:40 for the 6.3 mile course. No cool down today with 31 miles already on my legs this week.

Leg day at the gym..... I just can't explain how much as a runner leg day challenges me.


Barbell squats - 6x12
Barbell lunges - 4x24
Goblet squats - 4x12
Hip Abductors - 4x15
Fire Hydrants for a 3 count - 4x24


Planks - 4x75secs

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Junk Mileage Day

Today, I headed out at 6am from my house for pretty much a junk mileage day. I need some more base miles, but I was too beatup from Tuesday's run to push the pace any. This is one of those runs where you're just happy to be out there. Well, I was cruising along at around a 730ish pace I would guess when it started raining. I really don't mind running in the rain. Actually, once I've warmed up its refreshing to a degree. I would guess at around mile 4 is when it started coming down so my only worry was blistering up from soggy socks. I kept my pace consistent and even ran into one other lone runner out in the rain as well. Normally, I don't run into anyone in my neighborhood out running early so it was a pleasant surprise to know someone else was going through the samething.

I logged 9 miles today so I'm doing well on hitting the mid 40s for mileage this week. My total time was at around 67 mins for the 9 miles. I really need to invest in a garmin, but I keep telling myself that time isn't that important. I should just be able to run on feel.

No weight lifting today although I probably should do something else.

Looking forward to a group run in the morning with some intervals so it should be a decent pace for me. Hoping for no rain as running fast in the rain can be tricky with wet feet and the extra weight from the water.

I need to cement my next race after the Bourbon Chase relay, but I have no idea how beatup I'll be after the relay. There are some great races the following weekend, but I fear I'll be too tired to run hard enough to warrant going to a half-marathon. Thus, I'll probably look for something in early November.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday tempo

Today, was a planned 8 miler with a 6 miles of tempo in the middle at around a 6:15 per mile pace. I ran by myself today so I have no idea of the splits, but it took me 53 mins to complete the 8 mile loop. I was moving at a decent clip since that averages out to be about a 635ish pace for the 8 with a warmup and cool down mile included.

Lots of stretching since this is a bump in mileage week. Need to get in a couple of 45-50 mile weeks before the Bourbon Chase Relay.

Hit the gym for back today to balance out from doing chest work yesterday


T-Grips - 3x20
Superset - Close grip pullups - 3x12, Wide grip pullups - 3x12
Superset - High rows - 4x15, Reverse fly extensions - 4x12
Superset - Close grip low rows - 4x12, Wide grip low rows - 4x12
Superset - Kettlebell - snatch & catch - 3x24, Hanging reverse pushup - 3x12


Crab crunches - 3x15
Lying toe touches - 3x24
Modified v-sit - 3x45 secs
Walkouts - 3x8

Monday, September 21, 2009

Chest day is the best day

No running today. Although I did some research on what type of running shoes I truly should be running in. Turns out I'm a supinator or under-pronator. This is primarily due to having high arches in my feet as well as being a forefoot runner. This makes shoe selection very difficult since I have a more rare foot type and a "jacked-up" running style to boot. Anyway, it turns out that I need a neutral cushioned shoe, but I still need arch support since my feet tend to get tired during longer runs. More to come as I'm in a cushioned shoe already, but I'm currently in a stability shoe.


Barbell incline bench press - 4x12
Barbell decline bench press - 4x12
Superset - Dumbbell pullovers - 4x12, High cable flys - 4x15
Dumbbell flat bench press - 4x12
Superset - Medicine ball one handed pushups - 4x15, Medicine ball tricep pushups - 4x12
Dumbbell Flys - 4x12


Knees on the half-ball wheel extensions - 4x15
Exercise ball side planks - 4x60secs

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday - Fun day

Today, I got in an 8 mile recovery run somewhere in the 7:30ish pace range with a stop & stretch at the 4 mile mark. I had to dodge some rainy weather, but was able to sneak this in mid-morning between rain showers.

I find during recovery runs stopping and stretching seems to help with my recovery. Besides no one should care about their overall pace during a recovery run.

My next race is the Bourbon Chase relay (see for details. I've never done anything like this so it should be interesting. Pretty much I'm training like I'm running a half-marathon with a bit more mileage. I have considered doing a few 2-a-days to get ready though.

No weight lifting today. Spent 80% of the day watching football as I'm an avid NFL fan. Go 49ers!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Game day

This morning was a 12 mile long run with some of the group from the Tuesday & Thursday morning group. Part of the course took us through the UK campus where today UK is playing U of L or the school us UK alums despise more than any other school.

Anyway, it was a good run with a pace of around 7:15 for the 12. We got heckled by tailgaters which is always fun.

Later in the day I went to the game where UK held on for a 31-27 victory. It wasn't pretty, but they won.

Dinner at our house tonight for some friends.

Rainy run tomorrow morning more than likely.... ughhh

Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Friday

No running today. Resting up for a long run tomorrow.

Hit the gym for arms today.

Chinups - 4x15
Tricep overhead press - 4x12
Wall Curls - 4x12
Weighted dips - 3x20
Superset - Tricep extensions 3x12, Close handed tricep press 3x12, Bicep hammer curls 3x12
Cable preacher curls - 4x12

Superset - Hanging leg extensions - 4x15, Hanging Kneeups - 4x15
Medicine ball side plank - 4

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Intervals love & hate

Today, was the usual group run at 5:30am. Nothing like driving to a group run while still half-asleep. So for the record to make it to the group runs at 5:30am I wakeup at 4:50! Just writing that hurt a little.

Anyway, today only 5 of us showed up. The workout was 6x3 minutes intervals with a 90 second rest period between each. We spent the first mile warming up then headed right into the first interval. Nothing to speak of really except my legs felt tired from the insanity on Tuesday with a few sub-6 min miles and the 1 hour spinning sessions the night before. Simply, I knew I wasn't as fast as the other guy running the intervals so I concentrated on being consistent in my pacing aiming for a 5:30-5:45min per mile pace during the intervals. Pretty much they went like clock work with me having to catch up during the rest periods. The only notable one was interval 3 starting going up a hill which is always fun.

It took right at 42 mins to complete the course with the intervals mixed in. Needless the say the recovery portions are way slow by comparison. After the group gathered backup at the start point a few of us ran a 2 mile cool down after stretching for a few mins. 8 miles or so today.

Hit the gym in the evening for leg day...... yay.....

Barbell squats - 1x100 - yeah, I said 100 reps for 1 set
Front barbell squats with overhead press combo - 4x15
Superset - Medicine ball lunges - 4x30, Knee extensions while in a bridge position - 4x24
Leg extensions/raises while standing over a barbell on a squat rack - 4x24
Dumbbell stepups - 4x24
Firehydrants with a 3 count - 4x24

Lots of stretching

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


No weight lifting today as my back and chest are both fairly sore. The legs are a bit fried as well so this will be a lower mileage week of only around 37-38 miles after a Saturday long run.

So I hit the spinning room today for an hour spinning session. There were 4 hill climbs and 10 1-minute intervals/sprints during the spinning session.

My quads were burning 15 minutes into the workout which makes me realize just how week my quads are in comparison to my hamstrings due to all of the running.

I'm trying at least once a week to cross-train to help balance, but it seems I cut the cross-training sessions before cutting a recovery run out which in fact I should be doing the opposite.

Group run in the morning with some 3 minutes intervals and 90 second recoveries. Fun stuff......

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fast tempo run....

On Tuesdays & Thursdays, I run with a group. I find, like many others do, that running with a group keeps me more accountable. Plus, I tend to get better target training in when I know someone else is going through the same "pain" that I am.

This morning was to be a tempo run which normally is in the 630ish pace since I'm not super fast like some of the people in the group (530ish for some). The Tuesday route is a very hilly 7 miles through a few neighborhoods near downtown Lexington, KY(yeah, my hometown). Even though I'm running with a group we're all spread out with our paces differing up to 2 mins or more per mile depending upon who shows up on that given day. Normally, there are a few very fast people, then myself and a few others, and then the remainder of the group which contains the majority of the group. I run in what I like to call "no man's land" which is slower than the fast people, but faster than the main group. I find this to hold true during group runs and races as well. Its kind of a frustrating place to be knowing you can't stay with the lead pack, but you can outrun the pack easily.

Anyway, one of the faster group was off his game a bit so I decided to try and hangon during the tempo portion of the run. Here are the mile splits according to his Garmin(I've refused so far to buy one). 7:15(gotta warm up), 6:20, 5:45, 5:50, 6:20, 7:30(legs fried), 6:45 This was followed up with a quick stretching and a 2 mile cooldown at a comfortable 745ish pace.

Actually, felt good despite running way fast for me anyway. Sub-6min miles are pretty difficult for me.

Hit the gym for back day this evening.

Superset - One armed hammer strength low rows underhanded & overhaneded grip - 3x24
Wide grip pullups - 4x12
Barbell Shoulder shrugs - holding for a 3 count - 4x15 - yes, its shoulders I know
Bent over rows - 4x12
Superset - Close grip & wide grip pulldowns - 4x12
T Grips - 4x12

Passing an exercise ball from feet to hands - 4x12
Medicine ball v-sit - 4x45secs

Monday, September 14, 2009

Ughh Mondays....

No running today. Just rest to recover from the 18 miles I put on the legs and joints over the weekend. Trying to recover completely from my 15 mile CDR race on 9/5. Still have a few sore areas which will heal this week with some moderating of the running regiment.

Just work work work today unfortunately. It seems like it takes everyone 3-4 hours to remember what they were working on before the weekend then Monday afternoon everything goes absolutely insane.

Hit the weight room today for chest day. Here is the workout regimen for today.

Flat Dumbbell bench press - 4 x12
Single arm hammer strength incline press - 4x12
Superset - Upward cable crossovers & Triangle pushups - 4x12
Decline barbell bench press - 4x10
Dumbbell pullovers - 4x12
Superset - Flat cable crossover & Incline cable crossovers - 3x12
One armed medicine ball pushups side to side - 4x15

Leg extensions with 5lb dumbbell between feet - 4x15
Medicine ball sidebar/side plank - 4x75secs

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Easy recovery....

This morning I ran a recovery run of 8 miles at around a 8 min pace per mile. This included a stop and stretch at mile 4 for recovery purposes since I got in a 10 miler yesterday.

Some people give me a hard time saying 8 miles is way too long for a recovery run which can be true if you're extra tired or run the recovery too fast (which I'm guilty of many time). 7 or 8 mile recoveries work for me because it takes me 2-3 miles just to loosen up after a long run.

No weight lifting today as the weekend is for rest and recovery from the shredding they receive during the week. Of course, running in a must though as there are no complete days off from doing anything.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Doughnut run....

6:30am long run(sort of) today starting at Magee's bakery(I know its ironic to start a long run at a bakery). Nothing like the smell of cooking doughnuts to start off a run. 10 miles at a slow pace of around 745ish. I ran the last mile or so at a 7 flat pace for a quick finish.

One week since the CDR race, and the legs are starting to feel normal again. Next, week I'll rampup the mileage a bit more, only 34 miles this week.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

I was getting ready to leave for class when I turned on the television in my bedroom to see smoke pouring out of the twin towers. I just stopped what I was doing and sat down on my bed in dis-belief. Then, I saw the first tower fall live in the background of the news coverage I was watching. I was literally frozen for days after this happened unable to snap out of this daze the event had induced.

No running today, just weight lifting.


Weighted Chin-ups - 4x15
Weighted Dips - 4x15
21s - 3x21
Overhead tricep press - 4x12
Decline Dumbbell tricep extensions - 4x12
Triangle pushups - 4x15
Wall curls - 4x12


Sitting barbell shoulder press - 4x12
Superset Side shoulder raises - 4x15, Front shoulder raises - 4x15
Plate rotations around the head - 4x24


Exercise ball side planks - 4x60secs

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ughhh Leg day

6 miles this morning at a 6:35ish pace for a steady tempo run with a 2 mile cooldown. Nothing too crazy. My legs felt better today but still fatigued from the CDR race.

The Thursday course is much flatter than the Tuesday course which my legs welcomed on this day.

Leg day at the gym....ughhh

Barbell squats - 6x12
Barbell lunges - 4x12 each leg
Hamstring curls - 4x12
Hip Adductor - 4x12
Hip Abducotr - 4x12

Lots of stretching

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Killer Back

No running today as the recovery continues. I'm still battling a lower leg injury(inflamed anterior tendon on the outside of my calf which runs down into the foot and makes pushing off with one's toes very painful) which I ran CDR with, but it was 90% healed in my mind before the race. The race didn't make the injury any worse. It just made the surrounding muscles and tissue tired as a result of compensating for the weakness in the tendon.

Back day today at the gym.

T Grips - 4x12
Inverted hanging rows - 4x15 - Looks like a reverse pushup
Wide Grip Pullups - 4x12
Superset - Low wide grip row - 4x12 - Low close grip row - 4x12
Close Grip Pullups - 4x12 - Close grip attachment over wide grip bar
One armed dumbbell rows - run of the rack 4 different weights 10 reps each weight going up in weight then back down in weight

Crab crunches - 4x15
Leg raised toe touches - 4x15

My lats were very very sore from the various pullups as a result.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to the grind

Too bad holiday weekends aren't longer and more frequent. Ran 7 miles this morning with the group at John's. The Tuesday course is hilly and my legs were burning by mile 2 like I was doing intervals. Still feeling the CDR race I suppose. I decided to backoff a bit and try and run consistent for the remainder of the run. I ended up somewhere around a 7ish per mile pace. Not too bad for 2 days off a 15 mile race. My legs felt like lead at the end of the 7 miles.

Hit the gym in the evening

Chest day is the best day....

Decline barbell bench press - 4x12
Incline barbell bench press - 4x12
Incline bumbell alternating one-handed bench press - 4x24
Dumbbell pullovers - 4x12
Higher cable crossovers - 4x12
Superset Weighted box pushups - 4x12 , One handed medicine ball pushups 4x12

Hanging leg raises - 4x12
Hanging knee-ups - 4x12
Plank - 4x75secs

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day! 7 mile "recovery run" Very slow pace - 8mins? Maybe, slower. This is more an exercise of getting outside and getting the blood flowing to the leg muscles to speed recovery.

No weight lifting today due to the holiday.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Day off... sort of

Working out the kinks from the race yesterday. 1 mile walk in the morning and 1 hour spinning session to get blood flowing. Lots of stretching. So not a true day off with the spinning, but at least my joints are getting a rest.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Charleston 15 mile Distance Race Report

Arrived Friday night before the race on Saturday which started at 7:30am. I prepped for the race with the traditional pasta in some light marinara sauce. Luckily, we arrived early enough to pickup our race packets to avoid worrying about getting them the next morning. Returned to the hotel room to stretch out and relax to some mindless television. I turned in at about 10:30 which is pretty much my normal bed time these days( I know pretty lame).

I slept better than usual before a race and only woke up once during the night. 5:30am wakeup with a bagel & PB for breakfast. We met up with a few more people who arrived later than us from Lexington and all rode together to the starting line at the WV capital.

It was about a mile walk from the car to the start line which was a good warmup. No sense running 2-3 miles to warmup for a 15 mile race at least in my mind anyway. I lined up in the 2nd-3rd row area behind the Kenyans. This race imports around 5-10 elite racers since they give cash prizes.

The race was started by a civil war era cannon which was unpredictable when it would fire so the start time was a little off. The first 3 miles I spent trying to get into a rhythm shooting for 6:45 min miles skipping the initial water stops. The only challenging part was crossing over a bridge during this span which was a dramatic change in elevation. At mile 4 the climb began, with the infamous 1.2 mile Capitol Hill. I kept my pace steady focusing on being consistent through the climb. At the top of this monster, there wa a switch back for yet more climbing for another .25 miles. People were dropping like flies going through the climb. After the switch back, there were several more steep rolling hills all resulting in more climbing through mile 7 at which point I walked through a water station and took my first GU. From miles 7-8, we had about a 1 mile descent back to the river and bridge we had prueviously crossed. Actually, this was the most challenging part of the race to not shred my quads during the descent which I witnessed many people doing. I crossed the 8 mile marker at 56:57 which I wasn't very pleased with as I was hoping for a sub-7 min pace despite the difficult course. For hydration, I implored a walking thru the water stations to make sure I got plenty of water since I made the mistake in my first half-marathon of getting de-hydrated and dying in the last 2 miles(literally should have went to the hospital for fluids during that one). Miles 8-11 were uneventful as I picked-off several people who passed me in the hills. At mile 12, I took another GU which I probably should have took at mile 11 as I was feeling tired at this point. The course was flat with a few rollers until the end. I continued to pick people off as I went along, but I must say I got passed by one person during this span to my dismay. The finish of the race was at Laidley Field with the last 300 meters being around the track. Of course, I picked it up for the last 300m.

I ended finishing with a time of 1:46:27 which was about 2 mins slower than I had hoped for. The course was the most challenging I have ever run with about a 800-1000ft elevation change. I do feel like I could've ran a bit harder in the last 7 miles, but with my previous experience I was more worried about finishing. My walk-thru the water station tatic was something new which of course added to my time, but I was never worried about being de-hydrated at least. I ended finishing 50th overall. I must say I normally can barely walk after a race so either I'm in better shape or I held-back some during the race. Either way I'm happy about not being beatup like I normally am.

Friday, September 4, 2009

You can't coach desire

Desire is a unquenchable craving or want that can't be instilled in someone, but must come from within someone.......