Thursday, December 10, 2009

Burrr..... Windy & Chilly

This morning I I went to join the group for a 5:30am run, but only one person showed. It was 21 degrees with a wind chill of 7 and 30 mph gusts to boot. It sounds worse than it was. having the right gear is key for cold temperatures. We ended up running a slower pace due to the cold weather. We averaged around 6:55 min pace for the duration of the 6.3 miles. Nothing crazy, but not too slow either. Its only going to get worse as winter goes on.

Hit the gym for some legs.


Barbell Squats - 7x12
Superset - Medicine Ball Lunges - 4x30, Standing Leg Extensions - 4x24
Fire Hydrants - 4x24 - 3 second count - 3x12
Hip Adductors - 4x15
Angled Seated leg press - 4x24

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